Is Hulu Plus worth it? It’s probably a question that a lot of people have been asking over the last years when they’re comparing Hulu Plus vs Netflix. The bundle of online streaming services that are now available for subscription is huge. Netflix is, of course, almost a must-have, but how does it compare to Hulu Plus? Is Hulu Plus worth it or is it just another one of those services that people don’t really understand?
Well, to be frank, it’s aged well. Hulu Plus started way back in the mystery-shrouded years of 2006 and thereabouts. You can get a feel of just how long they’ve been around from looking at their original partners (MySpace, AOL, Comcast, and MSN). All of them are old internet giants, many now obscure.
Judging by that, we really have to applaud the company. Not only have they managed to survive in an overly-competitive and saturated market, but the company is on the rise and has registered more than positive numbers for the year 2015. So, clearly things are looking good for them. But let’s try to answer the pestering question: does the Hulu plus cost justify what they’re offering?
Hulu Plus vs Netflix – Advantages and Disadvantages
Naturally, in order to get a true answer to the question above, we have to rank the online streaming website against its closest competitors on the market of online streaming. That means going to see what does Hulu Plus offer that Netflix doesn’t.
Of course, Netflix has a lot to offer. If the Hulu Plus vs Netflix battle would be just about that, it would have ended long ago. One recent report shows it having a total of 122 shows out of the top 250 most popular shows in the US right now, either TV series or movies. Of the same 250, Hulu has only 97 shows. That’s 25 shows less than Netflix, many of which only air the current season.
Here’s a list of the advantages of Hulu Plus vs Netflix:
- You can watch many current TV shows. With Netflix, there’s a problem. If you want to watch shows that are currently underway on TV, you can’t. Hulu, on the other hand, gives you the episodes that air on TV immediately after they are presented there.
- You have exclusive access to some amazing cartoons. If there’s one area of TV that Netflix lacks in, it’s cartoons. Hulu Plus has all your favorite adult cartoons, from Family Guy to American Dad, South Park, and Adventure Time. These toons are sure to keep you at the edge of your seat.
- You have lots of exclusive content. Many online news outlets such as TIME have a deal settled with Hulu. While most of the videos they have are freely available, there are a lot that require a basic subscription to Hulu Plus. The difference between Hulu and Hulu Plus is that the first one is a basic video streaming service (similar to YouTube) while the second one is a basic TV streaming service.
- You don’t have to pay too much. How much does Hulu plus cost? Okay, we’ll admit this one’s a tie. The basic subscription plan for both services is $7.99 per month. I guess the Hulu Plus vs Netflix battle will
Still, this Netflix vs Hulu Plus battle would not be a fair fight if we did not mention Netflix’s response to the Hulu advantages above:
- Netflix saves all the seasons. With Hulu Plus, you only get to watch one season for many of the Hulu Plus channels. After the current season ends, it magically disappears from Hulu Plus. If you want to watch older shows, the better option is Netflix.
- Netflix shows are really innovative and fresh. Original content is always a good thing to have. Netflix does have a lot. House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, and many others. Let’s not forget about the response to all those cool cartoons on Hulu Plus: BoJack Horseman. This original Netflix animation takes Family Guy-type humor to a whole new level.
- Netflix has a lot of extra shows. While Hulu Plus is known to always add new shows that are great, Netflix is the one ruling this realm. That’s simply because all of the cool kids on the TV shows block choose to hang out around the Netflix channels page and not the Hulu Plus page.
- Netflix wins the streaming options. For a few dollars more, you can share your Netflix subscription with 4 other people, and also get a full-HD experience. In the end, how much is Hulu Plus a month compared to this type of Netflix subscription? You can split the $12 subscription with 4 friends and get your full Netflix subscription down to $3. So Hulu, while offering less, is far more expensive.
This is how the Hulu Plus channel list looks like, if you were ever wondering.
Conclusion – Is Hulu Plus Worth it?
I guess it really does depend on your TV-watching preferences. If you’re partial to the shows on Hulu Plus, go with it! If you are content with the Netflix ones, you’ll have more than enough entertainment on your hands. However, if you can afford it and have the time necessary to watch a bit of both, we really recommend doing that!
The winner in the Hulu Plus vs Netflix battle should be chosen by you and not by us. Let us know which one you do pick and why!